其實我寫Blog的年資很短,第一篇於Yahoo blog發表的文章才是2013年3月的事,沒有想到這麼快就要體驗搬家的麻煩了。
I started my blogging life on March 2013 and I didn't foresee to experience blog migration so soon. Yahoo Hong Kong confirmed to shut down its blog service and I have no choice but to relocate my blog here.
Hope it is not to difficult to get used to this new platform.
Yahoo blogger 大男孩
FuLl MoViEs
MoViEs To mOvIeS
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مواضيع عشوائية
أصناف الموقع
- 2015 $0-$100 (184)
- 2015 $101-$200 (61)
- 2015 $201-$300 (52)
- 2015 $301-$500 (39)
- 2015 $501+ (22)
- 2015 婚慶::來去西班牙 (20)
- 2015 婚慶::別人的幸福 (3)
- 2015 婚慶::記憶的瞬間 (14)