To LoVe 2015: 【我愛DIY】Hubsan X4 H107C更換808 #16 D lens mod


To LoVe 2015: 【我愛DIY】Hubsan X4 H107C更換808 #16 D lens mod

有關Hubsan X4 H107C的使用心得及分享,請瀏覽這篇博文:
Regarding Hubsan H107C product review please visit this blog post:

前文提及H107C原配鏡頭角度比較狹窄,這次主要分享如何為H107C更換廣角鏡頭。As mentioned earlier the FOV of H107C original lens is quite narrow. Here I am going to explain how to swap it with a wide angle lens.

首先鬆開底部的螺絲,再打開機臂白圈位置的四個扣位,從而打開外殼。Unscrew the screws on the bottom part. Detach the 4 locking points on the 4 arms highlighted by the white circle here below.

打開外殼後,建議拍照記錄每件零件電線的原先位置,避免要還原時忘記位置及方向等問題。拆除電池艙,把底下的攝錄模組取出。注意攝錄模組跟飛行器主電路板以兩條電線連接供電,務必小心不要弄斷電線。Separate top and bottom part of the case, here you may want take a picture to record the exact location of each parts inside. It will help when you need to restore the parts and close it back. Remove the battery compartment and the video module just sits below it. Pay attention not to break the 2 power cables that connects the video module to main PCB.

鏡頭是直接連接感光元件的,再透過電線片連接攝錄模組,只需像下圖向者黃色箭嘴方向把黑色鎖緊條向上推,就可以卸下感光元件連鏡頭。The lens connects directly to the sensor module, then connects to video module by a ribbon. Press the black color ribbon clip to the direction illustrated by the yellow arrows. After that you can detach the sensor module.

我們要換上的是外國很流行的808 #16 keychain camera上的鏡頭,只需要在eBay搜尋"808 #16 lens D"就會找到。這部攝錄機有3顆鏡頭選擇,lens A,B及D,lens D是廣角鏡頭,適合用來改裝H107C。如果只想為H107C更換鏡頭,直接買808 #16的鏡頭加感光元件模組就可以了,如果您的飛行器載重比較高,可以考慮直接吊起整部808 #16攝錄機,因為在這個重量的攝錄機之中,其攝錄質素公認是最好的。Just look for "808 #16 lens D"on eBay, there are 3 lens options for this 808 #16 keychain camera. Lens D is what you need as it is a wide angle lens that will fit the H107C. You may consider buy the whole camera if your quad has high lifting power. It is the best choice among camera in similar weight and size.

下一步是要讓鏡頭跟感光元件分離。由於鏡頭跟感光元件之間除了螺絲鏡頭mount,還有膠水/熱溶膠作固定,所以要先用cutter/刀片把外露的固態膠水清除,亦有人用一些能溶化膠水的液體去清潔鏡頭mount,但我怕會流入感光元件所以沒有用上清潔液。Next step is to unscrew the lens from the sensor module. Except the screw mount, there are glue to hold them in position. I did use a cutter to remove the surface glue. Some will use solvent that can remove glue to clean the lens mount. I didn't try it as I am afraid it will leaks to the sensor and damage it.

使用工具幫忙夾緊感光元件的四方形部分,再用指甲夾實鏡頭,用力向逆時針轉動把鏡頭取出。這時你會見到更多膠水藏在鏡頭mount內,請進行清潔。A clamp now becomes very handy to hold the sensor in position so you can use your nails to unscrew the lens from it. Just turn it counter clock-wise and it should works. If you found more glue inside the lens mount barrel, try clean it up.

以相同方法把808 #16的鏡頭取出。您可以看到808 #16的鏡頭比原配鏡頭大得多,但他們的鏡頭mount尺寸是一樣的,所以可以互換。Use the same method to unscrew the lens of 808 #16 sensor module. As you can it the lens D is way bigger than the original H107C lens, but they share the same lens mount thread size so they are interchangble.

兩者的感光元件大小差不多,甚至連電線片的大小也一樣,可惜大男孩嘗試直接對調兩者,但裝上808 #16感光元件的H107C攝錄模組是不能運作的。Look at the sensor size I am surprise to see they are in similar size. The video quality of 808 #16 camera is much better than the H107C camera. Must be the video processor works better. The size of ribbons are the same too. I tried to insert the whole lens+sensor module of 808 #16 to H107C video module but it didn't work.

下一部就是在沒有安裝鏡頭的狀態下還原整個攝錄模組,因為808 #16鏡頭尺寸大,裝上後不能穿過H107C底殼的鏡頭孔。Then put everything back without the lens and close the case. 808 #16 lens is too big that will not go through the opening.

最後才把808 #16的鏡頭穿過外殼安裝在鏡頭mount上,安裝後鏡頭會突出來,但剛好坐落在兩條機臂中間,所以不容易受損,而且角度剛好不會把前面兩個螺旋槳攝錄於影片畫面中,非常匹配。Screw the 808 #16 lens to the lens mount. It sits nicely between 2 front motors so it should be pretty safe during flights or crashes. The nice thing is the 2 props will not appear in the videos:)

硬件都安裝好後,還有最後一步,就是調試對焦,透過於鏡頭mount上轉動鏡頭作手動對焦,由於H107C沒有即時影像輸出功能,每調較一次您就需要錄影一段影片,在電腦上播放看看畫面是否正確對焦。這過程可能要反覆測試4到5次,而達到完美對焦效果。After all the hardware mod. As a last step you will need to focus the lens. It is done by turning the lens on the lens mount. H107C camera does not have real-time video out so you need to record a video and play it back on a computer to check the result. You may need to try 4-5 times to get the best result of it.

當一切都準備妥當,您就可以以廣角鏡頭拍攝影片,以下是大男孩使用改裝好的H107C拍攝的一段影片:So after the mod here is the FOV you can have from a H107C:

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