好快就到夏天,又是時候跟厚厚的背囊說再見了。週六出去拿婚紗相前,到了荷里活廣場吃午飯,經過New Balance就破費了,就是這個女裝的腰包:) Summer is coming! It's time to put down your backpack and get something light and new. I passed by Hollywood Plaza before getting my pre-wedding photos on a Saturday. Went into New Balance Shop and bought this female waist pack.

雖然這個腰包沒有寫明是男裝或女裝,但相同pattern的風衣就放在女裝的架子上。同系列的男裝版本就....不值一提了。為什麼女裝運動服裝產品都比男裝的漂亮?除了日本有非常中性的男裝外,其他的都是灰灰沉沉的,叫人怎樣提起興趣買呢?I am not 100% sure if it is female product but the jacket with the same color pattern is put under female section. There is also a male version of this pattern but it looks way too boring.
外表非常日系,打開是空洞洞的,布料很薄,夏天用就最適合不過,好平,就100元左右。Japanese style outlook make it perfect for my outdoor activities. Outer layer is very thin, which is fine for summer usage. It costs around $100 only.
紫色是我喜歡的顏色,你看看我的床鋪就知道。With my perfect color, purple!
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