Nov 2014, Damn cold.
又是因為工作,去了濟南,濟南又稱泉城,有72個名泉,但它應該不算是港人熱門旅遊城市,大男孩對這個地方的認知亦只有「濟名士多」及「我看大明湖」。I went to Ji'Nan, Shandong Province of China because of work. So I spent 1 day travelling around the city. Ji'Nan has a nickname "City of spring", it holds 72 spring which make it famous in China. But it is not a hot travel destination for Hongkongese. I only read about it in secondary school Chinese lesson.
要極速了解濟南的市內景點,大男孩帶您「慢遊」濟南,大量片段以慢鏡頭拍攝,裡面還有小弟聲音導航啊!Go get a quick look of Ji'Nan city by watching the video I shot there. Loads of slow motion and voice over by me. Sorry just in Cantonese.
這是我在濟南第一眼看到的泉水,清澈見底,比我想像中要乾淨得多。First impression is always important. And this city makes me surprise! Crystal clear spring water! Much better than my expectation.
早上7點的珍珠泉,爸爸帶著小孩來餵魚。Pearl Spring at 7am. Father and daughter came to feed the fishes.
剛好遇上紅色的車與紅色的藤。Red x Red.
護城河兩旁都有柳樹,但大男孩細個被灌輸柳樹招魂的故事....Willows along the moat of the city. When I was young I was told willows will attract ghosts....

我們有想過去搭遊船,但很多碼頭都沒有開,可能是因為不是週末吧。Wanted to take the boat trip but the docks are closed.

到底人多定魚多?泉有名,人自然多,我又何嘗不是其中之一?拍攝泉水要看陽光照射的方向,不同角度拍出來的泉水截然不同,只要光線能穿過水投射到泉底,照片就會很美。As usual loads of tourist. And I was one of them. Try using different angles to take the picture of the spring water. You will get very nice picture when the sunlight penetrate through the water & reach the bottom of the spring.

剛好碰上銀杏季節,很美。大男孩喜歡背著光拍銀杏樹,使它變成閃亮的金黃色。Ginkgo trees went yellow! Super nice. I like to take pictures of it when the sun light comes from the back. The color of it becomes gold & shinny.

大明湖的照片只有這張,一來來到已經比較晚,照片不好看,二來因為PM2.5污染指數飆升至200多,照片拍不到,哈哈Just one picture of Daming Lake. It was already late when i reached there. And PM2.5 index went crazy so no hope for good pictures.

照片以iPhone 5s拍攝。
Pictures taken by iPhone 5s.
#大男孩 #濟南 #HK bigboy #Ji'Nan
/a>Pictures taken by iPhone 5s.
#大男孩 #濟南 #HK bigboy #Ji'Nan
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