To LoVe 2015: 【Toy Story】: 我們是這樣攜帶超重的相機的!This is how we carry such heavy cameras

Friday, July 26, 2013

To LoVe 2015: 【Toy Story】: 我們是這樣攜帶超重的相機的!This is how we carry such heavy cameras

這麼難得去旅遊,怎樣可能不帶單反?那裡肯定有壯麗的風景,帶支廣角鏡頭先。要拍出異國人物風情,我需要一支遠攝鏡頭。如果見到有特別的鳥類及蝴蝶,那我的Canon 1系列一定要帶。那她呢?她可能都想照片清晰一點,幫她帶部無反相機吧....
Go travel, of course I will need a DSLR. A super wide lens for fabulous scenery, a tele zoom lens for highlighted portrait shots. I might see some birds or butterfly that I will never found in HK, So I need my Canon 1 series for swift & accurate focus. Finally I am going her so a mirrorless camera for her is necessary.

Then, time flies and 7 days passed. What I got mainly are the photo from the mirroless camera. I am just too lazy to pull out those monster size cameras & they stays at hotel all day long.

This is my experience of ALL MY TRAVEL! Bunch of equipment brought there by seldom use.

但帶還是要帶的,所以就用一個舒服一點相機背囊,令自己肩膀少點痛苦。這個KATA MTP-120攝影背囊,就剛好是為此而生。看看我是怎麼攜帶這些怪物的。
But, I will still bring it anyway (They cost a fortune!). So all I need is a comfortable camera backpack to make my shoulder feel better while carrying. KATA MTP-120 PL Photo backpack fits my need. Let's have an insider look at it.

裝滿了,就是這樣的。Fully loaded for sure!

其實充電器及鏡頭蓋這東西,真的很煩人,沒有它不可能,但奈何又重又大。Have you ever think about why they make battery charger in different sizes & shapes? Why not unify them into a standard one?

袋內有不少空間給您放零散配件。Zippers pockets everywhere for small stuffs.

不喜歡正面開,可以頂開。If you don't want to open in the front, you can do that on the top too.

也可以側邊打開,直接拿鏡頭。Side opening are for accessing to additional lens or even direct access to smaller camera.

其他擺放私人物品的空間。Spaces for personal equipment.

這個位置應該是放水瓶的。For water bottle.

格子料加輕量化的拉鍊。RIp stop fabric & a special zipper puller.

好像Crocs鞋子的肩帶,又幾舒服的。The shoulder straps are made by material like Cros shoes. It is indeed quite comfortable.

袋上有很多細節。Lots of detail part.

過長的帶子會有條橡皮圈整理好。A rubber loop to tidy up the extended straps.

這樣厚的墊,可以保護我的1仔 Thick pad to protect my 1DMK3

仲有得變大...說是放書本的啊...Enlargement (!?) Not those XXXXX enlarge you received by email....You unzip the back & the bag extends in volume.

原配的腰帶。Original waist straps

搞促銷多送的一條大腰帶 Optional stronger waist strap.

裝入去 Just fix it into the back.

裝好的樣子。This is how it looks after installation

想了解多點有關這個相機袋,可以看看這段片子。More detail can be viewed here.

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