坐飛機,以手機Blogger App發博文 Blogger App
換了博客平台,雖然是麻有點麻煩,但新平台的功能更勝舊人,例如Blogger支持手機App直接發表博文及上載圖片,這就大大方便了於旅行途中發博文,這是我之前用的Yahoo Blog上做不到的。Blogger app supports writing & photos upload. Good for travel user and it cannot be achieved by Yahoo blog.這篇博文就是我在飛往曼谷途中上於飛機上寫的,為了體驗手機發文的方便,以下圖片及其簽名都是在手機上整理的。在末段後記我會分享一下於手機發文的體驗。I wrote this blog during a short haul flight from Hong Kong to Bangkok. Photos are all taken & edited in smartphone.
雲霄之上,我們想的是一樣嗎?Are we feeling the same in flight?
睡不著,唯有發文囉。這次想分享的題目,是我對飛機上這個狹窄空間的一些意見。跟您們的看法,又有什麼不同,或者有什麼相同呢?I started business traveling since 6 years ago when I arrived this company. Can't even count how many hours spent just on transportation, especially the lonely long haul flights in economy class. Plane seat is never a good bed for me so blogging seems a good way to kill time. This time I am sharing my thoughts on this tiny cabin. Are we feeling the same in flight?
排列整齊的座位Well organized seats
我對這些排得密密麻麻,沒趣味的座位完全沒有好感,坐在上面就像於工廠內生產線上等待被組裝的部件一樣,沒有生命。或者像沙丁魚,被擠在一個罐頭中,等待被送到超級市場去一樣。Frankly I hate seats like this. Just like factory production, boring and cold. Packed like sardine in a can.永遠調不好的頭枕 Head rest that never make you rest.
飛機座椅上的頭枕,無論怎樣調整高低,脖子都是會超疲累的,反而有些左右能彎出來的那個設計,就比較有用。No matter how you adjust this head rest it will still bring you tired necked. It sucks.明爭暗鬥回來的手柄 Competition of handles
經濟客艙內基本上沒有私人空間可言,人與人之間就只有一個手柄之隔,而這手柄亦是兵家必爭之地。設計給夫妻情侶同坐就可以把它拉起,但拉起後會頂著肩膀的,真的會有人用嗎?It is the only way to separate the sardines and you need to compete for it! It should connects 2 seats when you pull it up. It didn't go all the way hide between seats instead it stays there & make your shoulders not comfortable. Pathetic!
給我的膝蓋多點空間 More leg room please?
leg room多或少,是要靠運氣的。如果前面座位底下有飛機部件封住,就只能無言了。我不喜歡把隨身袋放上頭頂的存儲格,因為有太多壞人會為了擺放自己的行李而罔顧他人的財物,所以我帶出差的袋一定是很小的。If you are unlucky you may found your already tiny leg room being occupied by aircraft device under the seat in front of you. Leg room is also my storage of bags because I don't like putting them in overhead compartment, simply before there are too many jerks in here who will disregard other's belonging. Like Japanese, my luggage will be super mini.
是沙包還是安全帶?Seat belt or sand bag?
這個佔了半個座位的硬物,到底是沙包還是安全帶?這個東西把原本已經狹窄的空間頓時變得更加細小。If you have a chance to take Cathay Pacific flight, you must have seen this crazily hard and big seat belt. It is so not comfortable to use.
能照著我的雜誌嗎?Light up my magazine please.
打開閱讀燈後發現它是照著鄰座,多尷尬呢。舊式鎢絲燈很光亮還會發熱,當飛機變得無理的冰冷時還可以充當暖爐。Your reading light pointing to the seat next to you? It happens all the time. If the light haven't been changed to LED, you are lucky because the bulb can act as a heater in freezing cabin.
夠鐘起床!Time to wake up!
這只會於長途機才會遇上的,難以入睡的我經過不知道多少小時後,好不容易才半隻腳踏進入夢鄉,機艙的燈就亮起了,要派發午夜3點才來的晚餐,相信很多乘客都想多睡片刻吧。A nice sleep in long haul flight is a dream to me. I simply cannot sleep well in flight. Imagine when I was woke up by the cabin light right after I fall asleep?
很好玩的遙控器 Remote control
我見到的每個乘客都很喜歡把玩這個遙控器,把它拉出來,再使它彈回去。當然亦有很多乘客不知道如何把它放回原位。Passengers play with this remote because its elasticity. More of them don't know who to put it back (Welcome to China..XD)

真的能用嗎?Is it usable?
點頭Touch screen
科技進步不一定能夠改善生活,把觸控屏幕安裝到椅背,方便了自己,辛苦了別人,下次座位不斷給人篤,你就知道為何。Putting a touch screen on the back of the seat in front of you means a punishment to the guy sitting there. You are swapping the screen as well as his head all time.
隔離飯香,別人的屏幕播放什麼,都好像特別好看。Have you ever tried to peek somebody's screen?
Which one, left or right is the right plug for me? It is a question to me all the time. Why there is sound from only 1 side of the headset only? You need to twist the cable and make it right. How fool is that?
Which one, left or right is the right plug for me? It is a question to me all the time. Why there is sound from only 1 side of the headset only? You need to twist the cable and make it right. How fool is that?
使用App寫博文的確是方便了,只要去Apple App store或Google Play store搜尋Blogger,安裝App後就能直接在手機/平板電腦發博文了。It is quite convenient to use Blogger app to write Blog post.
基本的標題,內文及相片上載都可以在手機上進行。Title, content & photos can all be uploaded by phone.

標籤都可以在App內輸入,上載好的照片會排列在內文的下面,左右掃就可以預覽所有照片。You can also add tags to the post. Uploaded photos will be listed on the bottom of the post.

美中不足的是上載好的圖片只能夠放到內文的下面,而不能夠插入內文之間(見下圖)。需要在發表後再於電腦修改一下位置,但都已經比不能用移動裝置上載圖片的Yahoo Blog好多了。If you want to insert photos between contents, you still need to manage it on computer. But it is already a lot better than Yahoo blog.

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