To LoVe 2015: 【我愛DIY】美心西餅送給她?DIY paper craft cake

مواضيع مفضلة

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

To LoVe 2015: 【我愛DIY】美心西餅送給她?DIY paper craft cake

Yahoo Blog的搬家安排很奇怪,如果您按下備份的按鈕,您的賬戶也會被凍結,想回复跟留言都不行,所以都是遲一點才進行備份,直接在這裡發表新內容。
I haven't start the backup action on my Yahoo blog. Once you press the backup button, your account will be freeze and you can no longer do anything on your blog. That's so weird! So better do it later and now to start a new blog life here.

As the first blog post in Blogger, I picked up some photos taken when I create the first DIY gift to my fiancee and make this post:)

Origami always fascinate me for its versatility, low cost & fun of course. I can play it anytime, anywhere and in any weather conditions (If you live in sub tropical area you will know what I mean). I started it at young and it kind of trained me up with some skills. When I first saw paper craft,  I love it at first sight.

第一次玩立體紙模型,應該是由Canon網站下載的,因為買了一部Canon的PIXMA打印機,所以接觸到Creative Park這個網站,裡面有很多紙模型的範本,連帶製作指引,是個不可多得的好資源。
First time I encounter paper craft is because of a Canon PIXMA printer. Canon offers an online resource Creative Park and you can just simply download the template, print it and then start making your craft.

然而這個DIY禮物,並不是用Creative Park的範本。是在很多年前,經過玩具店看到一包現成的紙蛋糕模型紙張,心想應該是挺有趣的玩意。而這份禮物,應該算是我送給她的第一份禮物。
But this DIY gift was not associate with Creative Park. Instead I came across with a pack of cake paper models in a stationery shop. I bought it and made my fiancee the first prsent.

There are papers for 6 different cakes, a food clamp and a paper box. Its packaging is no difference to a standard origami paper pack.

You don't need to be creative because it is a ready-to-fold design. All you need to know is how to fold & glue.

I didn't use the provided paper box. I took a real cake shop box for more fun. Some art paper to decorate the box is always nice.

底部加一張她喜歡的CD :)
Then I hide a CD album that she likes at the bottom of the box.

Place the cakes nicely and the clamp too, give it a good wrap and a box of "Real cake" is ready for delivery!

這是很久一以前的這個紙模型很容易製作,您見到我們還會買CD就知道年代久遠了,就因為是年青,才有時間及心機去整禮物啊。現在的我,總是藉口多多的,但都差不多是時候,為我的Big Day做一點事情了....
This is an old story, you can tell when you see I am buying her a CD album. We had a lot of free time when we were young, to do silly thing like this. Now I am only good at finding excuse! But I really need to start preparing something for my wedding day.../a>
FuLl MoViEs
MoViEs To mOvIeS
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