To LoVe 2015: 120fps慢動作下的排球比賽 FIVB Grand Prix game in slow motion

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

To LoVe 2015: 120fps慢動作下的排球比賽 FIVB Grand Prix game in slow motion

你可能會說,120fps慢動作影片?iPhone 5s也有這個功能了,有甚麼特別。但如果你坐在紅磡體育館山頂位,想拍攝排球對賽中的激烈畫面,總得要用有高速攝錄功能的相機加一支長鏡頭幫忙。120fps high speed video shooting is nothing new. You can even get this function in an iPhone 5s. But if you are sitting in the upper row of a sport stadium, you may want something that let you zoom in a little but more in order to capture the highlights of the game. It will be probably a camera with high speed video function and a tele lens.

通過每秒120格的高速記錄,再以慢動作播放畫面,仔細觀賞美女球員的專業表現。It takes 120 frames per second and play it in normal speed. You are getting a real smooth slow motion video that enable you to see every single movement of the pro players.

這次使用Nikon 1 J4及30-110mm f/3.8-5.6鏡頭拍攝,機身尺寸非常輕巧,就能提供300mm的等效焦距,加上有多個慢動作拍攝模式,相對方便易用。To shoot high speed video you need a camera for that. Nikon 1 J4 with a 30-110mm f/3.8-5.6mm lens is one of the smallest interchangeable lens camera that pack this function in a smalll body.

拍攝120fps速度的影片,解像度被限制在720p,未能儲存成1080p,有點美中不足。Resolution is limited to 720p in 120fps mode. This happens to a lot of camera. I expect this limitation will be solved in the later generation of cameras.

這次是大男孩第一次現場看排球比賽,氣氛非常熱烈,但紅館就異常冰凍,一冷一熱,很是有趣。It is the first time for Bigboy to watch volleyball match in real. The game was very exciting but the stadium was damn freezing.

不多說了,我們看看以Nikon 1 J4拍攝的120fps影片:Here is the 120fps video shot by Nikon 1 J4:

最後,我們看看中氣十足的雷Sir! XD Commenters from TVB.

這次拍攝器材:The gears I use this time:

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